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2015-03-30 11:05:13 蒙田(zmm)
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2014-12-17 15:59:49 游(gerzer)
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2014-07-24 16:08:05 chiangtp(chiangtp)
1. \"自适应\" - Generic name; \"加前缀\" - Specific names a. 中譯的真是貼切 b. Fortran 77 才開始有 generic name 的用法 2. When a generic name is referenced, the appropriate one of specific names will be selected by compiler (at compile-time) depending upon the type of the arguments, the result automatically has the same type as the actual arguments 3. Only the \"specific names\" appear in \"INTRINSIC statement\" may be used as \"actual arguments\" pass to other procedures (because the types are fixed)
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