! NGHG: Histogram, A Utility to Creating Bar Charts
! Histograms (bar charts) are used to show the distribution of values
! in a like-sample dataset. The individual values are sorted by size
! into a number of value ranges called "class intervals." The number
! of samples out of the total that fall into a class interval are
! represented as a histogram bar height. The height of each histogram
! bar is proportional to the number of samples in that class interval.
! There are five user-callable entries within the Histogram utility.
! HISTGR is called to generate a histogram.  HSTOPC, HSTOPI, HSTOPL,
! and HSTOPR are called before HISTGR to set parameters (options) that
! affect the output histogram. All parameters have an original default
! setting.
! NG_HSTOPL - to specify various LOGICAL   type internal parameters
! NG_HSTOPC - to specify various CHARACTER type internal parameters
! NG_HSTOPI - to specify various INTEGER   type internal parameters
! NG_HSTOPR - to specify various REALArray type internal parameters
! NG_HISTGR - to generate a histogram plot
! NG_HSTRST - to reset all internal parameters (added by CNCARG)
! NG_HGRSET - to reset all internal parameters (same as NG_HSTRST)
!                       bardraw, chrsize, minortk, overlay, offaxis, grdinfo, barinfo )
! Routine to plot a histogram with various options including
! specification of class values, spacing between histogram bars,
! shading of bars, windowing (i.e. scaling), specification of color,
! labels, titles, etc.  Data values are partitioned into classes;
! histogram bars represent either number of occurrences within each
! class, or a Y-value associated with that class (user choice).
! Options are set by calls to subroutines HSTOPL, HSTOPR, HSTOPC, and
! HSTOPI before the call to HISTGR.
! *** Original ast two "working array arguments" have been removed by CNCARG
! *** CNCARG add seven optional arguments: bardraw, chrsize, minortk, overlay,
!                                          offaxis, grdinfo, barinfo
! Variables:
! REAL,    INTENT(IN   ) :: DAT1(NDIM,2)
! EXTERNAL                         :: bardraw
! OPTIONAL                         :: bardraw             ! user defined bar shade/outline routine
! REAL,    INTENT(IN   ), OPTIONAL :: chrsize             ! scaling "factor" of all characters sizes, default is 1.0
! INTEGER, INTENT(IN   ), OPTIONAL :: minortk(2)          ! number of minor ticks in x-CLASS/y-FREQUENCY(PERCENT) axes, default is (/0,0/)
! LOGICAL, INTENT(IN   ), OPTIONAL :: overlay             ! use last-time-left feequency/percent-axis if overlay is .TRUE., default is .FALSE.
! INTEGER, INTENT(IN   ), OPTIONAL :: offaxis             ! turn off drawing axis: 1=CLASS, 2=FREQUENCY, 3=CLASS+FREQUENCY
! REAL,    INTENT(  OUT), OPTIONAL :: grdinfo(8)          ! viewport(1:4)/window(5:8) coordinates
! REAL,    INTENT(  OUT), OPTIONAL :: barinfo(3,NCLASS,2) ! (x-top-left,x-top-right,y-height) of "2" sets "NCLASS" bars
! DAT1   Two dimensional real array containing data of one
!        of two types, either values to be collected into
!        class intervals before plotting, or values which
!        have already been assigned to class intervals and
!        only need to be displayed.  See argument IFLAG
!        for a more complete description of HISTGR input
!        data options.  DAT1 is dimensioned: DAT1(NDIM,2).
! NDIM   The size of the first dimension of DAT1 as set
!        in the dimension statement of the calling program.
! NPTS   Number of values actually stored into DAT1 on this
!        call.  NPTS must always be less than or equal to
!        NDIM.
! IFLAG  An integer flag which selects one of four options
!        provided by the HISTGR utility.  The options are:
!        IFLAG = 0;  A single array of length NPTS is loaded
!                    into the DAT1 array.  HISTGR computes
!                    NCLASS equally sized class intervals
!                    that vary from the minimum value in
!                    DAT1 to the maximum value in steps of
!                    (MAX-MIN)/NCLASS.
!                    All values of DAT1 that fall in each
!                    class interval are separately accumulated
!                    for that interval.  The final tabulations
!                    are plotted as a histogram of NCLASS bars.
!                    The bar height can be labeled with the
!                    number of points that fall within this
!                    particular class interval (bin size),
!                    or it can be given as a percentage of
!                    the number of values input, NPTS.
!                    Note that under IFLAG = 0, the user
!                    has no control over the range of the
!                    class intervals.  They are internally
!                    determined from the range of the data.
!                    When missing values are present:
!                    NPTS = Total input points
!                    MISS = # of missing values
!                    NMVA = NPTS - MISS
!                    If MVA = ON, and NMV = OFF, the bin
!                    percentages are computed relative to
!                    NPTS.
!                    If MVA = ON, and NMV = ON, the bin
!                    percentages are computed relative to
!                    NMVA.
!                    If MVA = OFF, no checking is done for
!                    missing values.
!        IFLAG = 1   This option is similar to the IFLAG = 0
!                    option except that the user can select
!                    the range of the class intervals into
!                    which the data are collected.  For
!                    example, say the user wants to collect
!                    the number of occurrences of the DAT1
!                    values that fall within 5 equally spaced
!                    intervals in the value range from 0. to
!                    10.  The user would then input NCLASS+1
!                    class interval end points into array
!                    CLASS, namely 0., 2., 4., 6., 8., and
!                    10.  These values need not be entered in
!                    monotonically increasing order and need
!                    not be equally spaced.
!        IFLAG = 2   This option allows the user to enter
!                    and display data which has already
!                    been accumulated into class intervals,
!                    i.e., already available histograms.
!                    The data input to DAT1 thus have
!                    percentage of total, or number of
!                    occurrences values.  In this case the
!                    number of points in DAT1, NPTS, is
!                    equal to the number of class intervals
!                    (histogram bars), NCLASS.  The NCLASS
!                    class interval midpoints are loaded
!                    into array CLASS.  They do not have to
!                    be of equal width.
!        IFLAG = 3   This option is the same as option
!                    IFLAG = 2 except that two histograms
!                    can be displayed for comparison purposes.
!                    The first histogram is loaded into
!                    DAT1(NPTS,1).  The second histogram is
!                    loaded into DAT1(NPTS,2).  The first
!                    histogram can partially shade or obscure
!                    the second histogram by the appropriate
!                    selection of the SPAC and OVERLP options.
!        Note that NPTS = NCLASS when IFLAG = 2 or 3.
! CLASS  Real array containing class values, dimensioned
!        (NCLASS+1).  This array has the following IFLAG
!        dependencies:
!        IFLAG = 0   CLASS is not used.
!        IFLAG = 1   NCLASS+1 class interval end points are
!                    loaded into array CLASS.  They will be
!                    sorted into a monotonically increasing
!                    order, if not input in that order.  The
!                    intervals need not be of equal width.
!        IFLAG = 2   NCLASS midpoint intervals are loaded
!                    into array CLASS.  They must be in
!                    monotonically increasing order, but
!                    need not be of equal widths.  The
!                    histogram bars will however be displayed
!                    with equal widths.
!        IFLAG = 3   Same as for IFLAG = 2.
! NCLASS Number of class intervals (histogram bars) specified.
!        NCLASS must be >= 1.
! Note:  The frequency axis label values will be integers
!        if the maximum Y-value (calculated within HISTGR)
!        is an integer multiple of 4.  Otherwise, real
!        values with format F11.1 are used.
! Optional arguments added by CNCARG
! bardraw - User specified shade/outline drawing routine for bars
!   SUBROUTINE bardraw(iset, ibar, idraw, np, px, py)
!     INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: iset  ! Historgam Set (1=first/2=second)
!     INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: ibar  ! Current Bar/Bin Number
!     INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: idraw ! Shade or Outline (1=GFA, 2=GPL)
!     INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: np
!     REAL,    INTENT(IN) :: px(np), py(np)
!     !---------------
!     ! for each SET "iset" and each BAR "ibar"
!     ! the default case (i.e., "BARDRAW" not present)
!     !---------------
!     SELECT CASE( idraw )
!     CASE( 1  )
!       CALL NG_GFA(np, px, py)
!     CASE( 2 )
!       CALL NG_GPL(np, px, py)
!   END SUBROUTINE bardraw
! chrsize - scaling "factor" for characters size, default is 1.0 if not present
! minortk - number of minor ticks in CLASS/FREQUENCY(PERCENT) axes, default is (/0,0/) if not present
! overlay - use last-time-left feequency/percent-axis if overlay is .TRUE., default is .FALSE.
! offaxis - turn off axis drawing: 1=CLASS, 2=FREQUENCY, 3=CLASS+FREQUENCY
! griinfo - returned viewport/window coordinates, if argument present
! barinfo - returned (x-top-left,x-top-right,y-height) of bars, if argument present
! A description of the option-setting entries of the package follows.
! Routine to specify various LOGICAL variables to be used by the HISTGR
! package.
! Variables:
! LOPT        A character string (which may have up
!             to seven characters) where the first
!             2 or 3 characters are abbreviations for
!             the option followed by '=', followed by
!             'ON' or 'OFF'.  'OFF' may be abbreviated
!             by 'OF'.   Imbedded spaces are not allowed.
!             Example:  CALL HSTOPL('PER=OFF')
! The following options are turned 'ON' or 'OFF' by this
! routine (all defaults are listed at the end of the
! package documentation):
!    HOR  Horizontal.
!         The histogram bars are drawn horizontally if 'HOR=ON'.
!         If 'HOR=OFF', they are drawn vertically.
!    PER  Percent axis.
!         If 'PER=ON', a labeled percent axis is drawn on the
!         right side of the histogram (or on top if
!         horizontal.)  If 'PER=OFF', the percent axis is
!         not drawn.
!    MID  Midvalues.
!         If 'MID=ON', the class labels are put at the
!         midpoint of each interval. If 'MID=OFF', the class
!         interval end points are labeled.  MID defaults
!         to ON if IFLAG = 2 or 3.
!    SHA  Shading.
!         If 'SHA=ON', the histogram rectangles are shaded.
!         If 'SHA=OFF', the bars are not shaded.  Laser printers
!         may vary as to how they interpret shading;
!         some will shade the bars black, others
!         will only draw the outline, etc., depending
!         on whether or not they support FILL AREA in
!         hardware.  On color terminals, the shading
!         will correspond to whatever the RGB color
!         table assigns to color index 1, even when
!         the color option, 'COL=OFF', (and all
!         other portions of the histogram are white).
!         Terminals which do not support FILL AREA or
!         color will show the outline of the 'shaded'
!         histogram bars in white (they will appear to
!         be unshaded).
!    DRL  Draw lines.
!         If 'DRL=ON', lines are drawn through the histogram
!         rectangles where Y-axis tick marks would occur.
!         When IFLAG = 3 (when comparing two datasets
!         in one histogram), lines are drawn through
!         the bars associated with the first dataset
!         only.  If 'DRL=OFF', lines are not drawn.
!    MED  Median.
!         If 'MED=ON', a line is drawn through the median
!         of all points.  If 'MED=OFF', this line is not drawn.
!         MED does not apply when assigning Y-values to
!         X-values; it is valid only for IFLAG = 1 or 2.
!    NMV  Normalize minus missing values.
!         If 'NMV=ON', histogram bar percentages will be
!         calculated with respect to the number of input
!         data values (NPTS) minus the number of detected
!         missing values (MISS), or NMVA = NPTS - MISS.
!         If 'NMV=OFF', histogram bar percentages will be
!         normalized to NPTS.
!    PMV  Print missing value count.
!         If 'PMV=ON', missing value counts will be written
!         on the plot.  If 'NMV=OFF', they will not.
!    PRM  Perimeter.
!         If 'PRM=ON', a perimeter is drawn around the
!         histogram.  If 'PRM=OFF', no perimeter is drawn.
!    FRA  Frame advance.
!         If 'FRA=ON', the frame is advanced automatically
!         after the histogram is drawn.
!         If 'FRA=OFF', the frame is not advanced, and the
!         user must call FRAME.
!         *** CNCARG disable this option, 2016-07-28 ***
!    LIS  List options.
!         If 'LIS=ON', all the options along with their values
!         are printed on the standard output.
!         If 'LIS=OFF', nothing is printed on the standard output.
!    DEF  Global defaults.
!         If 'DEF=ON', all the options are set to their default
!         values;  see list of default values below.
!         'DEF=OFF' has no effect.
! Routine to specify various CHARACTER variables to be used by the
! HISTGR package.
! Variables:
! COPT    A character string specifying which
!         option is to be set.  Valid options are:
!         'FOR=ON', or 'FOR=OFF'
!         'TIT=ON', or 'TIT=OFF'
!         'LAB=ON', or 'LAB=OFF'
!         'FQN=ON', or 'FQN=OFF'
!         'PTI=ON', or 'PTI=OFF'
!         'CHR=ON', or 'CHR=OFF'
!         By choosing the ON form for an option, the user
!         can override the default setting of that option.
!         A subsequent call to HSTOPC with the OFF form
!         for an option returns the option to the default
!         setting.  All defaults are listed below.
! STRING  A character string up to 45(?) characters long.
!           !---> chiangtp, 2016-07-29
!           max chars:s  96 for 'TIT' (Main Title)
!                        55     'FQN' (FreQueNcy axis label)
!                        55     'PTI' (Percent   axis label)
!                        55     'LAB' (Class     axis LABel)
!                        55     'FOR' (FORmat for class labels)
!                    100x15     'CHR' (Class interval label string)
!           !---> chiangtp, 2016-07-29
!         This argument depends upon the ON form being
!         selected for an option.  For example, if 'TIT=ON',
!         a main title is input through argument STRING.
! NUMBER  An integer variable which only applies to the
!         following three options:
!         'FOR=ON'  The maximum number of class intervals
!         (histogram bars) which will be labeled.
!         'FOR=OFF'  Defaults to 9 labels for vertical bars
!         and 15 labels for horizontal bars.
!         'CHR=ON'  Must be set to NCLASS, an argument of
!         the subsequent call to be made to HISTGR.
!         NUMBER is not used under any other option setting.
!         Calls to HSTOPC with both 'FOR=ON' and 'CHR=ON'
!         may be performed in any order; the parameters set
!         by NUMBER are mutually exclusive in either case.
!   ILCH  An integer variable specifying the number of
!         characters in each label of a class interval
!         (histogram bar).  This argument is only used with
!         the 'CHR=ON' option.
!         ILCH cannot be greater than 15.
! The following options are defined by this subroutine:
!    FOR  Format for class labels.  The 'FOR=OFF' default
!         format is '(G10.3)'.  Although class values
!         are real numbers, integer formats are allowed,
!         in which case HISTGR will convert from real to
!         integer before plotting labels.
!    TIT  A main title.  The 'TIT=OFF' default is no title.
!         It can be up to 96 characters.  If it is greater
!         than 45 characters it will be written in multiple
!         centered lines at no more than 45 characters per line.
!    LAB  A label for the class interval(histogram bar) axis.  The
!         'LAB=OFF' default value is 'CLASS INTERVALS' when
!         the HSTOPL option 'MID=OFF' is selected, and 'CLASS
!         MIDVALUES' otherwise.
!         In order to delete this axis label select 'LAB=ON'
!         for COPT and 'NOLABEL' for STRING.
!    FQN  The frequency axis label.  The 'FQN=OFF' default value
!         is 'FREQUENCY'.
!         In order to delete this axis label select 'FQN=ON'
!         for COPT and 'NOLABEL' for STRING.
!    PTI  The percent axis label.  The 'PTI=OFF' default value
!         is 'PERCENT OCCURRENCE' when IFLAG = 0, or 1,
!         'PERCENT of MAXIMUM' when IFLAG = 2, or 3.
!         In order to delete this axis label select 'PTI=ON'
!         for COPT and 'NOLABEL' for STRING.
!    CHR  Character labels.
!         Use a character string containing ILCH*NUMBER
!         characters to specify alphanumeric labels for the
!         class intervals (histogram bars).  This is a packed
!         sting of ILCH characters per class interval label.
!         The character string must contain NUMBER(=NCLASS)
!         class interval labels, even though all may not be
!         used.  See the definition of argument NUMBER.
!         PARAMETER (NCLASS=12, ILCH=3)
!         CHARACTER*36 LABEL
!         CALL HSTOPC ('CHR=ON',LABEL,12,3)
!         CALL HSTOPC ('FOR=ON','(F3.0)',12,3)
!         In the above example, there will be 12 alphanumeric
!         class interval labels, each containing 3 characters
!         to specify the months of the year.  The main title
!         indicates that the histogram depicts monthly precipitation
!         in 1987.
!         The call to HSTOPC with 'FOR=ON' and NUMBER = 12
!         overrides the default number (9) of labels which would
!         be plotted.  Note that the '(F3.0)' format is ignored
!         because 'CHR=ON'.
! Routine to specify various INTEGER variables to be used by the
! HISTGR package.
! Variables:
! IOPT    A character string specifying which
!         option is to be set.  Valid options are:
!         'COL=ON', or 'COL=OFF'
!         'CLA=ON', or 'CLA=OFF'
!         By choosing the ON form for an option, the user
!         can override the default setting of that option.
!         A subsequent call to HSTOPI with the OFF form
!         for an option returns the option to the default
!         setting.  All defaults are listed below.
! PARAM1  Integer variable used to set character height of
!         class labels when 'CLA=ON'; 1 = small, 2 = medium
!         3 = large; default is 2 when 'CLA=OFF'.
!         Not used when 'COL=ON', or 'COL=OFF'.
! PARAM2  Integer variable used to set orientation of class
!         labels, from 0 (horizontal) to 90 (vertical) degrees
!         when 'CLA=ON'; default is 0 degrees when 'CLA=OFF'.
!         Not used when 'COL=ON', or 'COL=OFF'.
! ICOL    Integer array containing values defining color
!         indices 1-8, for use with 'COL=ON'.
!         The eight components of the plot for which color
!         indicies can be set are:
!         ICOL(1) = color index used for shading rectangles
!         ICOL(2) = color index used for shading second set
!                   of rectangles (comparing two datasets
!                   when IFLAG=3).
!         ICOL(3) = color index used for rectangle outlines
!         ICOL(4) = color index used for drawing axes
!         ICOL(5) = color index used for drawing median line
!         ICOL(6) = color index used for text ouput (labels)
!         ICOL(7) = color index used for title
!         ICOL(8) = color index used for drawing perimeter
!         The default color index is 1 for all (when 'COL=OFF').
!         ICOL is not used when 'CLA=ON', or 'CLA=OFF'.
! LCOL    Integer variable specifying length of array ICOL.
!         LCOL must be set to 8.
!         LCOL is not used when 'CLA=ON', or 'CLA=OFF'.
! Routine to specify various REAL arrays to be used by the HISTGR
! package.
! Variables:
! ROPT    A character string specifying which
!         option is to be set.  Valid options are:
!         'WIN=ON', or 'WIN=OFF'
!         'SPA=ON', or 'SPA=OFF'
!         'MVA=ON', or 'MVA=OFF'
!         WIN defines the portion of the frame which will
!         receive the histogram.  SPA determines the spacing
!         between histogram bars.
!  ARRAY  A real array of length LARR.
!   LARR  Dimension of ARRAY.
! The following arrays may be defined by this routine:
! Windowing:
!           ROPT is 'WIN=ON'
!           LARR = 4
!           ARRAY(1) = XMIN
!           ARRAY(2) = XMAX
!           ARRAY(3) = YMIN
!           ARRAY(4) = YMAX
!           Assumptions:  These coordinates define a rectangular
!           region of the total frame where the current histogram
!           is to be plotted.  The range of allowed values is:
!              0. <= XMIM < XMAX <= 1.
!              0. <= YMIM < YMAX <= 1.
!           For example, XMIN=0., XMAX=0.5, YMIN=0.5, and YMAX=1.0
!           would specify the upper left quadrant of the frame.
!           If 'WIN=OFF', the default window for the histogram
!           will be the entire frame.
!           DATA WINDOW /.3,.7,.3,.7/
!           CALL HSTOPR('WIN=ON',WINDOW,4)
! Spacing:
!           ROPT is 'SPA=ON'
!           LARR = 2
!           ARRAY(1) = SPAC
!           ARRAY(2) = OVERLP
!     SPAC  Real value used to set spacing of histogram bars; valid
!           values are 0.0 (no spacing) to 4.0 (maximum spacing).
!           Default spacing is SPAC = 2.0.  If 'SPA=OFF', the result
!           is the same as if SPAC = 0.0, and the value supplied in
!           ARRAY(1) is ignored by HISTGR.  Lines will be drawn
!           around the histogram bars when 'SPA=OFF' by default.
!           These may not be visible if 'SHA=ON' and the first
!           color index is set to white in the color table; it is
!           a good idea to set color index 1 to gray if 'SPA=OFF',
!           and 'SHA=ON' (for terminals without color capabilty, this
!           does not apply; see notes on 'SHA' above). If IFLAG = 3,
!           there is a minimum amount of spacing supplied, even if
!           SPAC = 0.0, to allow room for the histogram bars of the
!           second dataset.
!   OVERLP  Real value used to set overlap of adjacent histogram
!           bars when comparing two datasets in one histogram;
!           valid values are -4.0 (maximum overlap) to 4.0 (little
!           or no overlap).  OVERLP applies only when IFLAG = 3.
!           Default overlap is OVERLP = -1.0.  If 'SPA=OFF',
!           OVERLP is ignored by HISTGR.  If no overlap is desired,
!           set OVERLP to 4.0, and SPAC to 3.0 or greater.
!           IFLAG = 3
!           ARRAY(1) = 2.0
!           ARRAY(2) = -1.5
!           CALL HSTOPR('SPA=ON',ARRAY,2)
!           The above example would cause two sets of histograms
!           to have overlapping bars for comparison purposes.
! Special value detection:
!     MVA   Special value flag. If MVA=ON
!           ARRAY(1) = The special value to be ignored
!                      when it is observed in the input data.
!           ARRAY(2) = The epsilon to use in comparing the
!                      input data to the special value.
! EXAMPLE:  ARRAY(1) = -9999.
!           ARRAY(2) = 1.E-10
!           CALL HSTOPR('MVA=ON',ARRAY,2)
!     'HOR=OFF', histogram bars will be vertical.
!     'PER=ON',  a labeled percent axis is drawn on the right side
!                of the histogram (or on top if horizontal.)
!     'MID=ON',  labels are placed at the midpoint of each histogram bar.
!     'SHA=ON',  the histogram rectangles are shaded.
!     'DRL=OFF', lines corresponding to plotted scale values are not
!                drawn through the histogram bars.
!     'MED=OFF', a line denoting the median of all points is not
!                drawn on the histogram.
!     'NMV=ON',  histogram bar percentages will be calculated
!                with respect to (Input points - missing values.)
!     'PMV=ON',  missing value counts will be written on the plot.
!                   NMV and PMV will only occur if HSTOPR
!                   option MVA=ON.
!     'PRM=OFF', a perimeter around the histogram is not drawn.
!     'FRA=ON',  a frame advance will occur after the call to HISTGR. (option disabled)
!     'LIS=OFF', nothing is printed on the standard output unit.
!     'TIT=OFF', no main title is drawn.
!     'FQN=OFF', a frequency axis title 'FREQUENCY' is drawn.
!     'PTI=OFF', a percent axis title 'PERCENT OCCURRENCE' is drawn
!                when IFLAG = 0, or 1, 'PERCENT of MAXIMUM' when
!                IFLAG = 2, or 3.
!     'LAB=OFF', class interval axis title defaults to 'CLASS INTERVALS'
!                when 'MID=OFF' and 'CLASS MIDVALUES' when 'MID=ON'.
!     'FOR=OFF', class label format = '(G10.3)'.
!     'CHR=OFF', generate numeric (real or integer) class labels.
!     'COL=OFF'  default color indices used are current PLCI/FACI/TXCI colors
!     'CLA=ON',  default values: 2 = medium, 0 = horizontal labels.
!     'WIN=OFF', the histogram will be drawn within the maximum viewport
!                of 0.0 to 1.0 in both the horizontal and vertical.
!     'SPA=ON',  default values: spacing = 2.0, overlap = -1.0
!                This will yield spacing between bars on a single
!                histogram and overlap of bars in the comparison
!                of two histograms.
!     'MVA=OFF', No checking of data will be done for special values.
! Parameter(Type)  Set by  Brief description
! FOR (Character)  HSTOPC  FORmat for class labels
!                          Default: '(G10.3)'
! TIT (Character)  HSTOPC  A main TITle
!                          Default: No title
! LAB (Character)  HSTOPC  Class interval axis LABel
!                          Default: 'CLASS INTERVALS' ('MID=OFF')
!                                   'CLASS MIDVALUES' ('MID=ON')
! FQN (Character)  HSTOPC  FreQueNcy axis label
!                          Default: 'FREQUENCY'
! PTI (Character)  HSTOPC  Percent axis label
!                          Default: 'PERCENT OCCURRENCE' (IFLAG=0/1)
!                                   'PERCENT of MAXIMUM' (IFLAG=2/3)
! CHR (Character)  HSTOPC  Class interval label string
!                          Default: Internal numeric labels
! COL (Integer)    HSTOPI  8 COLorable graphic components
!                          Default: none
! CLA (Integer)    HSTOPI  Size of CLAss labels
!                          Default: Medium size characters
!                          Orientation of class labels
!                          Default: Horizontal labels
! HOR (Logical)    HSTOPL  Direction of histogram bars
!                          Default: Vertical
! PER (Logical)    HSTOPL  PERcentage axis opposite the frequency axis
!                          Default: The axis is drawn
! MID (Logical)    HSTOPL  Location of class interval labels
!                          Default: Placed at interval midpoints
! SHA (Logical)    HSTOPL  SHAding of histogram bars
!                          Default: Bars are shaded
! DRL (Logical)    HSTOPL  Grid lines through bars
!                          Default: No lines are drawn
! MED (Logical)    HSTOPL  A line drawn at data MEDian
!                          Default: No line is drawn
! PRM (Logical)    HSTOPL  A PeRiMeter around the histogram
!                          Default: No perimeter is drawn
! FRA (Logical)    HSTOPL  Advance the FRAme (*** dsiabled by CNCARG)
!                          Default: The frame is advanced (no function in CNCARG)
! NMV (Logical)    HSTOPL  Normalize minus missing values
!                          Default: Minus missing values
! PMV (Logical)    HSTOPL  Print missing value count
!                          Default: Print
! LIS (Logical)    HSTOPL  LISt parameter values on output
!                          Default: No printed list
! DEF (Logical)    HSTOPL  Reset all parameters to DEFaults
! WIN (Real)       HSTOPR  Region of frame to put histogram
!                          Default: The entire frame
! SPA (Real)       HSTOPR  SPAcing between histogram bars
!                          Default: Spacing = 2.0
!                          Dual histogram overlap
!                          Default: Overlap = -1.0
! MVA (Real)       HSTOPR  Activate special value checking
!                          Default: Not check
! Refer "NCAR menu" for interfacing HISTOGRAM in detail