! NGSG: Spherepack, A Package for Modeling Geophysical Processes
! https://www2.cisl.ucar.edu/spherepack/documentation
! SPHEREPACK is a collection of FORTRAN programs and subroutines
! facilitating computer modeling of geophysical processes.
! The package contains subroutines for computing common differential
! operators including divergence, vorticity, latitudinal derivatives,
! gradients, the Laplacian of both scalar and vector functions, and
! the inverses of these operators.
! For example, given divergence and vorticity, the package can be
! used to compute velocity components, then the Laplacian inverse
! can be used to solve the scalar and vector Poisson equations.
! The package also contains routines for computing the associated
! Legendre functions, Gauss points and weights, multiple fast Fourier
! transforms, and for converting scalar and vector fields between
! geophysical and mathematical spherical coordinates.
! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
! Colatitudinal Derivative of a Vector Function
! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
! NG_VTSEC     computes the derivative of the vector function w.r.t.
!              colatitude on a equally-spaced grid using O(N**2) storage,
!              initialized by NG_VTSECI.
! NG_VTSES     computes the derivative of the vector function w.r.t.
!              colatitude on a equally-spaced grid using O(N**3) storage,
!              initialized by NG_VTSESI.
! NG_VTSGC     computes the derivative of the vector function w.r.t.
!              colatitude on a Gaussian grid using O(N**2) storage,
!              initialized by NG_VTSGCI.
! NG_VTSGS     computes the derivative of the vector function w.r.t.
!              colatitude on a Gaussian grid using O(N**3) storage,
!              initialized by NG_VTSGSI.
! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
! Gradient of a Scalar Function
! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
! NG_GRADEC    computes the gradient of a scalar function on an
!              equally spaced grid using O(N**2) storage,
!              initialized by NG_VHSECI.
! NG_GRADES    computes the gradient of a scalar function on an
!              equally spaced grid using O(N**3) storage,
!              initialized by NG_VHSESI.
! NG_GRADGC    computes the gradient of a scalar function on a
!              Gaussian grid using O(N**2) storage,
!              initialized by NG_VHSGCI.
! NG_GRADGS    computes the gradient of a scalar function on a
!              Gaussian grid using O(N**3) storage,
!              initialized by NG_VHSGSI.
! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
! Reconstruct a Scalar Function from its Gradient
! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
! NG_IGRADEC   computes a scalar function whose gradient is a given vector
!              function on an equally spaced grid using O(N**3)storage,
!              initialized by NG_SHSECI.
! NG_IGRADES   computes a scalar function whose gradient is a given vector
!              function on an equally spaced grid using O(N**3) storage,
!              initialized by NG_SHSESI.
! NG_IGRADGC   computes a scalar function whose gradient is a given vector
!              function on a Gaussian grid using O(N**2) storage,
!              initialized by NG_SHSGCI.
! NG_IGRADGS   computes a scalar function whose gradient is a given vector
!              function on a Gaussian grid using O(N**3) storage,
!              initialized by NG_SHSGSI.
! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
! Divergence of a Vector Function
! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
! NG_DIVEC     computes the divergence of a vector function on an
!              equally spaced grid using O(N**2) storage,
!              initialized by NG_SHSECI.
! NG_DIVES     computes the divergence of a vector function on an
!              equally spaced grid using O(N**3) storage,
!              initialized by NG_SHSESI.
! NG_DIVGC     computes the divergence of a vector function on a
!              Gaussian grid using O(N**2) storage,
!              initialized by NG_SHSGCI.
! NG_DIVGS     computes the divergence of a vector function on a
!              Gaussian grid using O(N**3) storage,
!              initialized by NG_SHSGSI
! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
! Reconstruct a Vector Function from its Divergence
! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
! NG_IDIVEC    computes an irrotational vector function whose divergence
!              is given on an equally spaced grid using O(N**2) storage,
!              initialized by NG_VHSECI.
! NG_IDIVES    computes an irrotational vector function whose divergence
!              is given on an equally spaced grid using O(N**3) storage,
!              initialized by NG_VHSESI.
! NG_IDIVGC    computes an irrotational vector function whose divergence
!              is given on a Gaussian grid using O(N**2) storage,
!              initialized by NG_VHSGCI.
! NG_IDIVGS    computes an irrotational vector function whose divergence
!              is given on a Gaussian grid using O(N**3) storage,
!              initialized by NG_VHSGSI.
! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
! Vorticity of a Vector Function
! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
! NG_VRTEC     computes the scalar vorticity of a vector function
!              on an equally spaced grid using O(N**2) storage,
!              initialized by NG_SHSECI.
! NG_VRTES     computes the scalar vorticity of a vector function
!              on an equally spaced grid using O(N**3) storage,
!              initialized by NG_SHSESI.
! NG_VRTGC     computes the scalar vorticity of a vector function
!              on a Gaussian grid using O(N**2) storage,
!              initialized by NG_SHSGCI.
! NG_VRTGS     computes the scalar vorticity of a vector function
!              on a Gaussian grid using O(N**3) storage,
!              initialized by NG_SHSGSI.
! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
! Reconstruct a Vector Function from its Vorticity
! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
! NG_IVRTEC    computes a divergence-free vector function whose vorticity
!              is given on an equally spaced grid using O(N**2) storage,
!              initialized by NG_VHSECI.
! NG_IVRTES    computes a divergence-free vector function whose vorticity
!              is given on an equally spaced grid using O(N**3) storage,
!              initialized by NG_VHSESI.
! NG_IVRTGC    computes a divergence-free vector function whose vorticity
!              is given on a Gaussian grid using O(N**2) storage,
!              initialized by NG_VHSGCI.
! NG_IVRTGS    computes a divergence-free vector function whose vorticity
!              is given on a Gaussian grid using O(N**3) storage,
!              initialized by NG_VHSGSI.
! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
! Reconstruct Vector Function from its Divergence and Vorticity
! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
! NG_IDVTEC    computes a vector function with given divergence and vorticity
!              on an equally spaced grid using O(N**2) storage,
!              initialized by NG_VHSECI.
! NG_IDVTES    computes a vector function with given divergence and vorticity
!              on an equally spaced grid using O(N**3) storage,
!              initialized by NG_VHSESI.
! NG_IDVTGC    computes a vector function with given divergence and vorticity
!              on a Gaussian grid using O(N**2) storage,
!              initialized by NG_VHSGCI.
! NG_IDVTGS    computes a vector function with given divergence and vorticity
!              on a Gaussian grid using O(N**3) storage,
!              initialized by NG_VHSGSI.
! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
! Laplacian of a Scalar Function
! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
! NG_SLAPEC    computes the scalar Laplacian of a scalar function
!              on an equally spaced grid using O(N**2) storage,
!              initialized by NG_SHSECI.
! NG_SLAPES    computes the scalar Laplacian of a scalar function
!              on an equally spaced grid using O(N**3) storage,
!              initialized by NG_SHSESI.
! NG_SLAPGC    computes the scalar Laplacian of a scalar function
!              on a Gaussian grid using O(N**2) storage,
!              initialized by NG_SHSGCI.
! NG_SLAPGS    computes the scalar Laplacian of a scalar function
!              on a Gaussian grid using O(N**3) storage,
!              initialized by NG_SHSGSI.
! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
! Invert the Laplacian of a Scalar Function or Solve the Helmholtz Equation
! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
! NG_ISLAPEC   computes a scalar function whose scalar Laplacian is given
!              on an equally spaced grid using O(N**2) storage,
!              initialized by NG_SHSECI.
! NG_ISLAPES   computes a scalar function whose scalar Laplacian is given
!              on an equally spaced grid using O(N**3) storage,
!              initialized by NG_SHSESI.
! NG_ISLAPGC   computes a scalar function whose scalar Laplacian is given
!              on a Gaussian grid using O(N**2) storage,
!              initialized by NG_SHSGCI.
! NG_ISLAPGS   computes a scalar function whose scalar Laplacian is given
!              on a Gaussian grid using O(N**3) storage,
!              initialized by NG_SHSGSI.
! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
! The Vector Laplacian of a Vector Function
! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
! NG_VLAPEC    computes the vector Laplacian of a given vector function
!              on an equally spaced grid using O(N**2) storage,
!              initialized by NG_VHSECI.
! NG_VLAPES    computes the vector Laplacian of a given vector function
!              on an equally spaced grid using O(N**3) storage,
!              initialized by NG_VHSESI.
! NG_VLAPGC    computes the vector Laplacian of a given vector function
!              on a Gaussian grid using O(N**2) storage,
!              initialized by NG_VHSGCI.
! NG_VLAPGS    computes the vector Laplacian of a given vector function
!              on a Gaussian grid using O(N**3) storage,
!              initialized by NG_VHSGSI.
! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
! Invert the Vector Laplacian of a Vector Function
! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
! NG_IVLAPEC   computes a vector function whose vector Laplacian is a given
!              vector function on an equally spaced grid using O(N**2) storage,
!              initialized by NG_VHSECI.
! NG_IVLAPES   computes a vector function whose vector Laplacian is a given
!              vector function on an equally spaced grid using O(N**3) storage,
!              initialized by NG_VHSESI.
! NG_IVLAPGC   computes a vector function whose vector Laplacian is a given
!              vector function on a Gaussian grid using O(N**2) storage,
!              initialized by NG_VHSGCI.
! NG_IVLAPGS   computes a vector function whose vector Laplacian is a given
!              vector function on a Gaussian grid using O(N**3) storage,
!              initialized by NG_VHSGSI.
! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
! Stream Function and Velocity Potential
! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
! NG_SFVPEC    computes the stream function and velocity potential of a vector
!              function on an equally spaced grid using O(N**2) storage,
!              initialized by NG_SHSECI.
! NG_SFVPES    computes the stream function and velocity potential of a vector
!              function on an equally spaced grid using O(N**3) storage,
!              initialized by NG_SHSESI.
! NG_SFVPGC    computes the stream function and velocity potential of a vector
!              function on a Gaussian spaced grid using O(N**2) storage,
!              initialized by NG_SHSGCI.
! NG_SFVPGS    computes the stream function and velocity potential of a vector
!              function on a Gaussian spaced grid using O(N**3) storage,
!              initialized by NG_SHSGSI.
! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
! Invert Stream Function and Velocity Potential
! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
! NG_ISFVPEC   computes a vector function with a given stream function and
!              velocity potential on an equally spaced grid using O(N**2) storage,
!              initialized by NG_VHSECI.
! NG_ISFVPES   computes a vector function with a given stream function and
!              velocity potential on an equally spaced grid using O(N**3) storage,
!              initialized by NG_VHSESI.
! NG_ISFVPGC   computes a vector function with a given stream function and
!              velocity potential on a Gaussian spaced grid using O(N**2) storage,
!              initialized by NG_VHSGCI
! NG_ISFVPGS   computes a vector function with a given stream function and
!              velocity potential on a Gaussian spaced grid using O(N**3) storage,
!              initialized by NG_VHSGSI.
! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
! Grid Transfers
! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
! NG_TRSSPH    transfers scalar data from one spherical grid to another.
!              The grids can be Gaussian or equally spaced.
! NG_TRVSPH    transfers vector data from one spherical grid to another.
!              The grids can be Gaussian or equally spaced.
! NG_SSHIFTE   transfers scalar data on the sphere between an equally
!              spaced grid that is offset by a half grid increment in
!              both longitude and latitude (which excludes the poles)
!              and an equally spaced grid that includes the poles,
!              initialized by SSHIFTI
! NG_VSHIFTE   transfers vector data on the sphere between an equally
!              spaced grid that is offset by a half grid increment in
!              both longitude and latitude (which excludes the poles)
!              and an equally spaced grid that includes the poles,
!              initialized by VSHIFTI
! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
! Geophysical/Mathematical Spherical Coordinate Conversions
! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
! NG_GEO2MATHS converts a scalar field from geophysical to
!              mathematical spherical coordinates
! NG_MATH2GEOS converts a scalar field from mathematical to
!              geophysical spherical coordinat
! NG_GEO2MATHV converts a vector field from geophysical to
!              mathematical spherical coordinates
! NG_MATH2GEOV converts a vector field from mathematical to
!              geophysical spherical coordinates
! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
! Scalar Spherical Harmonic Analysis
! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
! NG_SHAEC     computes the spherical harmonic analysis on an
!              equally spaced grid using O(N**2) storage,
!              initialized by NG_SHAECI.
! NG_SHAES     computes the spherical harmonic analysis on an
!              equally spaced grid using O(N**3) storage,
!              initialized by NG_SHAESI.
! NG_SHAGC     computes the spherical harmonic analysis on a
!              Gaussian grid using O(N**2) storage,
!              initialized by NG_SHAGCI.
! NG_SHAGS     computes the spherical harmonic analysis on a
!              Gaussian grid using O(N**3) storage,
!              initialized by NG_SHAGSI.
! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
! Scalar Spherical Harmonic Synthesis
! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
! NG_SHSEC     computes the spherical harmonic synthesis on an
!              equally spaced grid using O(N**2) storage,
!              initialized by NG_SHSECI.
! NG_SHSES     computes the spherical harmonic synthesis on an
!              equally spaced grid using O(N**3) storage,
!              initialized by NG_SHSESI.
! NG_SHSGC     computes the spherical harmonic synthesis on a
!              Gaussian grid using O(N**2) storage,
!              initialized by NG_SHSGCI.
! NG_SHSGS     computes the spherical harmonic synthesis on a
!              Gaussian grid using O(N**3) storage,
!              initialized by NG_SHSGSI.
! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
! Scalar Projections
! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
! NG_SHPE      computes the spherical harmonic analysis and synthesis
!              on an equally spaced grid using O(N**2) storage,
!              initialized by NG_SHPEI.
! NG_SHPG      computes the spherical harmonic analysis and synthesis
!              on a Gaussian grid using O(N**2) storage,
!              initialized by NG_SHPGI.
! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
! Vector Spherical Harmonic Analysis
! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
! NG_VHAEC     computes the vector harmonic analysis on an equally
!              spaced grid using O(N**2) storage,
!              initialized by NG_VHAECI.
! NG_VHAES     computes the vector harmonic analysis on an equally
!              spaced grid using O(N**3) storage,
!              initialized by NG_VHAESI.
! NG_VHAGC     computes the vector harmonic analysis on a Gaussian
!              grid using O(N**2) storage,
!              initialized by NG_VHAGCI.
! NG_VHAGS     computes the vector harmonic analysis on a Gaussian
!              grid using O(N**3) storage,
!              initialized by NG_VHAGSI.
! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
! Vector Spherical Harmonic Synthesis
! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
! NG_VHSEC     computes the vector harmonic synthesis on an equally
!              spaced grid using O(N**2) storage,
!              initialized by NG_VHSECI.
! NG_VHSES     computes the vector harmonic synthesis on an equally
!              spaced grid using O(N**3) storage,
!              initialized by NG_VHSESI.
! NG_VHSGC     computes the vector harmonic synthesis on a Gaussian
!              grid using O(N**2) storage,
!              initialized by NG_VHSGCI.
! NG_VHSGS     computes the vector harmonic synthesis on a Gaussian
!              grid using O(N**3) storage,
!              initialized by NG_VHSGSI.
! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
! Associated Legendre Functions
! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
! NG_ALFK      computes the coefficients in the trigonometric
!              series representation of Pnm( theta ).
! NG_LFP       uses coefficients computed by routine ALFK to tabulate
!              Pnm( theta ) at equally-spaced colatitudes.
! NG_LFPT      uses coefficients computed by routine ALFK to compute
!              Pnm( theta ) at a single colatitude theta.
! NG_LFIM      given n, L,and thetai LFIM computes Pnm( thetai )
!              for m=0,...,n and i=1,...,L.LFIN
! NG_LFIN      given N, m, L and thetai LFIN computes Pnm( thetai )
!              for n=m,...,N and i=1,...,L
! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
! Icosahedral geodesic
! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
! NG_IHGEOD    computes the Cartesian coordinates of the points on
!              the surface of the sphere corresponding to a
!              twenty-sided geodesic.
! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
! Multiple FFTS
! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
! NG_HRFFTF    multiple real forward fast fourier transforms,
!              initialized by NG_HRFFTI.
! NG_HRFFTB    multiple real backward fast fourier transforms,
!              initialized by NG_HRFFTI
! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
! Gauss Points and Weights
! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
! NG_GAQD      computes the Gaussian colatitudes and weights
!              that are used in the Gaussian quadrature
! Note: Two unused arguments, "w" and "lwork", has been removed
! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
! Graphics on the 3-d Sphere
! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
! NG_VISEQU    three-dimensional rendering of a scalar function
!              defined on an equally-spaced latitudinal grid.
! NG_VISGAU    three-dimensional rendering of a scalar function
!              defined on a Gauss distributed latitudinal grid,
!              initialized by NG_GAQD.
! NG_VISGEO    three-dimensional rendering of a scalar function
!              defined on a geodesic grid,
!              initialized by NG_IHGEOD.
! Refer "NCAR menu" for interfacing NGSG in detail