! NGST: Streamlines, A Field Flow Visualization Utility
! STREAMLINES, designed to allow a user to plot a streamline
! representation of field flow given two arrays containing the
! components of the field vectors on a uniform grid in a user-defined
! coordinate system.
! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
! set/Get internal parameters
! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
! NG_STRSET to reset all parameters to their default values.
! NG_STSETC to give a value of type CHARACTER to a parameter.
! NG_STSETI to give a value of type INTEGER to a parameter.
! NG_STSETR to give a value of type REAL to a parameter.
! NG_STGETC to get a value of type CHARACTER.
! NG_STGETI to get a value of type INTEGER.
! NG_STGETR to get a value of type REAL.
! NG_STGETMAPINFO to get information from the mapping common data
!                 available to the user subroutines STUMXY, STUIXY,
!                 and STUMTA
! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
! Working Routines
! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
! NG_STINIT to perform the initialization
! NG_STREAM to render the streamline field flow plot
! NG_STUMSL, Example version of user masked drawing program
! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
! Obsolete Entries
! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
! NG_EZSTRM to plot a streamline field in a single call.
! NG_STRMLN to plot a streamline field in a single call.
! Note: CNCARG adding three "optional dummy subprogram arguments",
!         STUMXY, STUIXY, and, STUMTA,
!       to the STREAMLINES routine:
!       add optional "ver423" (to solve trouble in examples STEX01 and FFEX04)
! Parameter  Brief description             Fortran type
! AGD        Arrow GriD increment          Integer
! ARL        ARrow head Length             Real
! CDS        Critical DiSplacement         Real
! CKP        ChecK Progress count          Integer
! CKX        ChecK (X) crossover count     Integer
! CYK        CYclical data flag            Integer
! CPM        ComPatibility Mode            Integer
! DFM        DiFferential Magnitude        Real
! LWD        Streamline Line WiDth         Real
! MAP        MAP transformation code       Integer
! MSK        MaSK to area map flag         Integer
! PLR        PoLaR input mode              Integer
! SET        SET call flag                 Integer
! SGD        Stream starting GriD          Integer
! SSP        Streamline SPacing value      Real
! SST        Streamline STatistics output  Integer
! SVF        Special Value Flag            Integer
! TRP        InTeRPolation method          Integer
! TRT        TRansformation Type           Integer
! USV        U array Special Value         Real
! VNL        Vector NormaLization value    Real
! VPB        ViewPort Bottom               Real
! VPL        ViewPort Left                 Real
! VPR        ViewPort Right                Real
! VPS        ViewPort Shape                Real
! VPT        ViewPort Top                  Real
! VSV        V array Special Value         Real
! WDB        WinDow Bottom                 Real
! WDL        WinDow Left                   Real
! WDR        WinDow Right                  Real
! WDT        WinDow Top                    Real
! XC1        X Coordinate at index 1       Real
! XCM        X Coordinate at index M       Real
! YC1        Y Coordinate at index 1       Real
! YCN        Y Coordinate at index N       Real
! Refer "NCAR menu" for interfacing STREAMLINES in detail

! STLINE: Old version of NG Streamlines Package (revised by chiangtp)
! SUBROUTINE NG_STLRST() ! reset parameters to its default
!                       ICODE , ITERP , ITERC , IGFLG ,&
!                       IMSG  , UVMSG , ICYC  ,        &
!                       DISPL , DISPC , CSTOP ,        &
!                       ArrowHeadOnly )
!                       ICODE , ITERP , ITERC , IGFLG ,&
!                       IMSG  , UVMSG , ICYC  ,        &
!                       DISPL , DISPC , CSTOP ,        &
!                       ArrowHeadOnly )
! Routine to draw a streamline representation of the flow field.
! the representation is independent of the flow speed.
! Variables :
!  VP : REAL, with dimension (4)
!       The viewport, in fractional coordinate, of streamlines plot
!       Array elements ordered as (/xl, xr, yb, yt/)
!   U : REAL, with dimension (NX,NY), INTENT(IN)
!       The two dimensional array containing the X-dir velocity.
!   V : REAL, with dimension (NX,NY), INTENT(IN)
!       The two dimensional array containing the Y-dir velocity.
!       the vector at the point (I,J) has magnitude
!       SQRT( U(I,J)**2 + V(I,J)**2 ) and direction
!       ATAN2( V(I,J), U(I,J) ).
!       The number of data values to be plotted in the X-direction
!       (the first subscript direction).
!       the number of data values to be plotted in the Y-direction
!       (the second subscript direction).
! Notes :
! 1) when the routine is called with ICYC.NE.0 and the data are not
!    cyclic. (ICYC is an internal parameter and is described below.)
!    in this case the routine will draw the streamlines with the
!    non-cyclic interpolation formulas.
! 2) Velocity components are normalized to the value of DISPL. then
!    the least significant two bits of the work array are utilized
!    as flags for each grid box. flag 1 indicates whether any
!    streamline has previously passed through this box. flag 2
!    indicates whether a directional arrow has already appeared in
!    a box. judicious use of these flags prevents overcrowding of
!    streamlines and directional arrows. Experience indicates that
!    a final pleasing picture is produced when streamlines are
!    initiated in the center of a grid box. the streamlines are
!    drawn in one direction then in the opposite direction.
! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
! Internal parameters
! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
! INTEGER :: INITA = 2 (default)
! Used to precondition grid boxes to be eligible to start a
! streamline. (e.g., a value of four means that every fourth grid
! box is eligible; a value of 2 means that every other grid box is
! eligible.)
! Used to precondition grid boxes to be eligible for directional
! arrows. (if the user changes the default values of inita and/or
! INITB it should be done such that MOD(INITA,INITB) = 0 . if the
! user has a reasonably dense grid try INITA = 4 , INITB = 2 . it
! will cut cpu time down.)
! REAL :: AROWL = 0.012
! Length of directional arrows in fractional coordinate.
! REAL :: AROWB = 0.3333333 ! 1.0/3.0
! Width scale factor of directional arrows, relative to the length
! of arrows.
! LOGICAL :: ArrowHeadOnly = .FALSE.
! Flag to draw arrow head only
! Integer to specifying the type of arrowhhead. A two-digit decimal
! code "IJ" where:
!   I=0 : no line is desired from XPAGE,YPAGE to the arrowhead at
!         XTIP,YTIP;
!    =1 : if a line is desired;
!    =2 : if a line is desired and a second arrowhead pointing in
!         the opposite direction, is desired at XPAGE,YPAGE.
!   J   : from 1 to 7, specifying the type of arrowhead desired
!         (Calcomp AROHD).
! If ICODE=0, not draw the the arrowhead.
! Every "ITERP" iterations the streamline progress is checked.
! INTEGER :: ITERC = -99
! The default value of this parameter is such that it has no effect
! on the code. when set to some positive value the program will check
! for streamline crossover every "ITERC" iterations. (the routine
! currently does this every time it enters a new grid box.) caution :
! when this parameter is activated cpu time will increase.
! A value of zero means that the sixteen point bessel interpolation
! formula will be utilized where possible. when near the grid edges
! quadratic and blinear interpolation  will be used. this mixing of
! interpolation scheme can cause slight raggedness near the grid edges.
! this, however, does not occur very often. if IGFLG .NE. 0 then the
! bilinear interpolation formula (only) is to be used. this will
! result in slightly faster plot times. however, in general the
! plots will be less pleasing.
! If zero then no missing U and V components are present. if .NE. 0
! then strmln will utilize the bi-linear interpolation scheme and if
! any of the points are missing the streamline will be terminated.
! REAL :: UVMSG = 1.7E+38
! Value assigned to a missing point.
! Zero means the data are non-cyclic in the X direction. if .NE. 0
! then the cyclic interpolation formulas will be used. (note: even
! if the data are cyclic in X leaving ICYC = 0 will do no harm.)
! REAL :: DISPL = 0.3333333 ! 1.0/3.0
! The wind speed is normalized to this value. (see below for a
! discussion of the DISPL, DISPC and CSTOP parameters.)
! REAL :: DISPC = 0.6666667 ! 2.0/3.0
! The critical displacement. if after "ITERP" iterations the
! streamline has not moved this distance then the streamline will
! be terminated.
! REAL :: CSTOP = 0.50
! This parameter controls the spacing between streamlines. the
! checking is done when a new grid box is entered.
! Notes : Discussion of DISPL, DISPC and CSTOP
! 1) Assume a value of 0.33 for DISPL. this means that it will take
!    three steps to move across one grid box if the flow was all in
!    X direction. if the flow is zonal then a larger value of DISPL
!    is in order. if , however , the flow is highly turbulent then
!    a smaller value is in order. (the smaller DISPL the more the
!    computer time)
! 2) A value of 2 to 4 times DISPL is a reasonable value for DISPC.
!    DISPC should always be greater than DISPL.
! 3) A value of 0.33 for CSTOP would mean that a maximum of three
!    streamlines will be drawn per grid box. this maximum will
!    normally only occur in areas of singular points.