<MOLD= Example Program>

Module mold_types
  Type t1
    Integer :: a = 3
  End Type
  Type,Extends(t1) :: t2
    Integer :: b = 4
  End Type
End Module
Program mold_example
  Use mold_types
  Class(t1),Allocatable :: x
  Type(t2) :: y = t2(123,456)
  Print 1,'Y',y
1 Format(1X,'Value of ',A,' is',99(1X,I0,:,','))
  Select Type (x)
  Type Is (t2)
    Print 1,'X',x
  Class Default
    Stop 'Impossible'
  End Select
End Program

■ Execution Results

 Value of Y is 123, 456
 Value of X is 3, 4