DBLE intrinsic function

Standard: F77 F90 F95 F2003 F2008 F2018 Example program


DBLE ( A )

A : Integer, Real, Complex or a BOZ literal constant;

Result : Double Precision, i.e. Real(Kind=KIND(0.0d0)).


The result is an approximation to the value of A expressed as a double precision real. If A is Complex, the imaginary part is ignored. Note that this function is entirely redundant, being exactly equal to REAL(A,KIND(0.0d0)).

If X or Y is a BOZ literal constant it is interpreted as the internal representation (as a bitstring) of the result. Note that this bitstring must not be longer that the number of bits in the result, unless the excess bits are all leading zeroes. If the bitstring is shorter than the number of bits in the result, it is padded on the left with leading zeroes.

Like many intrinsic functions, this is elemental; if A is an array, the result will be an array with the same shape, with the value being computed elementwise.


REAL intrinsic function, REAL type