FRACTION intrinsic function
Standard: F77 F90 F95 F2003 F2008
  Example Program

X : Real, any kind;

Result: Same type and kind as X.

Returns the mantissa of X in the real model for that kind of floating-point number; if X is finite, this is a value between 1/RADIX(X) and 1. If the value of X is representable in that model, the result satisfies the relationship X = FRACTION(X)*(REAL(RADIX(X),KIND(X))**EXPONENT(X), or if X is an IEEE infinity or NaN, the result is an IEEE NaN. Note that if X is double-double precision, FRACTION(X) might not be accurate but the result of EXPONENT(X) is.

Like many intrinsic functions, this is elemental; the result has the same shape as X, with the operation being applied elementwise.

DIGITS intrinsic function, EXPONENT intrinsic function, MAXEXPONENT intrinsic function, MINEXPONENT intrinsic function, RADIX intrinsic function, REAL type, SET_EXPONENT intrinsic function.