<Example Program>

Program norm2_example
  Real :: x(5,3)
  Data x(:,1)/3.0e-30,2.0e-30,2.0e-30,2.0e-30,2.0e-30/
  Data x(:,2)/3.0,2.0,2.0,2.0,2.0/
  Data x(:,3)/3.0e+30,2.0e+30,2.0e+30,2.0e+30,2.0e+30/
  Print 1, x
1 Format(1X,'Whole array X is ',/,3(5(2X,ES12.5),/))
  Print 2, Norm2(x)
2 Format(1X,'Norm2 of (the whole of) X is ',ES12.5)
  Print 3, 1, Norm2(x,Dim=1)
3 Format(1X,'Norm2 with DIM=',I0,' is',99(1X,ES11.4,:))
  Print 3, 2, Norm2(x,Dim=2)
End Program
Execution Results

 Whole array X is
   3.00000E-30   2.00000E-30   2.00000E-30   2.00000E-30   2.00000E-30
   3.00000E+00   2.00000E+00   2.00000E+00   2.00000E+00   2.00000E+00
   3.00000E+30   2.00000E+30   2.00000E+30   2.00000E+30   2.00000E+30

 Norm2 of (the whole of) X is  5.00000E+30
 Norm2 with DIM=1 is  5.0000E-30  5.0000E+00  5.0000E+30
 Norm2 with DIM=2 is  3.0000E+30  2.0000E+30  2.0000E+30  2.0000E+30  2.0000E+30