<Example Program>

Program reshape_example
  Implicit None
  Integer,Parameter :: v(6) = [ 1,2,3,4,5,6 ]
  Integer :: a(2,3), i
  a = Reshape(v, Shape(a))
  Print *, 'Reshape in default (array element) order'
  Do i=1, Size(a,1)
    Print 1, i, a(i,:)
1   Format(1X,'Row ',I0,' =',99(1X,I0))
  End Do
  a = Reshape(v, Shape(a), Order=[2,1])
  Print *, 'Reshape with Order argument'
  Do i=1, Size(a,1)
    Print 1, i, a(i,:)
  End Do
End Program
Execution Results

 Reshape in default (array element) order
 Row 1 = 1 3 5
 Row 2 = 2 4 6
 Reshape with Order argument
 Row 1 = 1 2 3