Array-array Operations
Standard: F77 F90 F95 F2003
Example Program
unary-op array
array binary-op array

unary-op ::= +  |  -  |  .NOT.  |  user-operator

binary-op ::= +  |  -  |  *  |  /  |  **  |  //  |  .AND.  |  .OR.  |  .EQV.  |  .NEQV.  |  ==  |  /=  |  <  |  <=  |  >  |  >=  |  user-operator

For array binary-op array, both arrays must have the same shape.
Elemental unary operations are applied individually to each array element. Elemental binary operations are applied individually to corresponding array elements. All intrinsic operations are elemental.

An elemental user-operator is defined by an INTERFACE block with the OPERATOR(user-operator) and a specific procedure that is ELEMENTAL.

In Fortran 2003, an elemental user-operator may also be defined by a generic type-bound procedure with a specific type-bound procedure that is ELEMENTAL.
Array Assignment, Array-scalar Operations, FUNCTION statement, INTERFACE OPERATOR statement