Array-scalar Operations
Standard: F77 F90 F95 F2003
  Example Program
array binary-op scalar
scalar binary-op array

binary-op ::= +  |  -  |  *  |  /  |  **  |  //  |  .AND.  |  .OR.  |  .EQV.  |  .NEQV.  |  ==  |  /=  |  <  |  <=  |  >  |  >=  |  user-operator
Elemental operations between an array and a scalar are applied individually to each element of the array; the result is as if the scalar was “broadcast” to be an array with the same shape. All intrinsic operations are elemental.

An elemental user-operator is defined by an INTERFACE block with the OPERATOR(user-operator) and a specific procedure that is ELEMENTAL.

In Fortran 2003, an elemental user-operator can also be defined by a generic type-bound procedure with a specific type-bound procedure that is ELEMENTAL.
Array Assignment, Array-array Operations, FUNCTION statement, INTERFACE OPERATOR statement