ONLY clause
Standard: F77 F90 F95 F2003
  Example Program
The ONLY clause is part of the USE statement; the syntax of a USE statement containing an ONLY clause is as follows.

[ [ , nature ] :: ] name , ONLY: only-list


only-list ::= only-item [ , only-item ]...

only-item ::= name  |  rename
rename::=local-name => remote-name
 | OPERATOR(local-operator) => OPERATOR(remote-operator)

Fortran 2003 allows renaming user-defined operators, e.g. “.FRED.=>.NURKE.”, but intrinsic operators such as “.NEQV.” cannot be renamed.
The USE statement accesses public entities in a module. If all USE statements for a particular module in a scoping unit have the ONLY clause, only those entities listed in the ONLY lists are accessed. An only-item that is a rename provides access using a different identifier; the entity named remote-name or remote-operator in the module is available as local-name or local-operator in the USEing scope.

If any USE statement for a module is lacking the ONLY clause, all public entities in the module will be accessed, but any renaming specified in the ONLY clauses will still be effective.
END MODULE statement, MODULE statement, PRIVATE attribute, PUBLIC attribute, USE statement