USE statement
Standard: F77 F90 F95 F2003
  Example Program
USE [ [ , nature ] :: ] name [ , rename ]...
[ [ , nature ] :: ] name , ONLY: only-list


rename::=local-name => remote-name
 | OPERATOR(local-operator) => OPERATOR(remote-operator)

Both local-operator and remote-operator must be user-defined operators (e.g. “.FRED.”), not intrinsic operators (e.g. “+” or “.NE.”).

only-list ::= only-item [ , only-item ]...
only-item ::= name  |  OPERATOR ( operator )   |   ASSIGNMENT (=)  |  rename

The syntax of operator is described on the INTERFACE OPERATOR statement page.

All USE statements must precede all the other declarations in a scoping unit.
The USE statement accesses public entities in a module. Each rename in a USE statement establishes a local name for the entity from the module.

Multiple USE statements for a particular module are allowed, and all the renaming specified is effective. If all USE statements for a particular module have the ONLY clause, only the listed entities are accessed.

In Fortran 2003, the user may distinguish between intrinsic modules (provided by the compiler) and non-intrinsic modules. If nature does not appear, and there are both an intrinsic module and a non-intrinsic module of that name available, the non-intrinsic module will be used. If nature does appear, only modules of the appropriate nature will be used.

Also in Fortran 2003, user-defined operators can be renamed on the USE statement.

END MODULE statement, INTERFACE OPERATOR statement, MODULE statement, ONLY clause, PRIVATE attribute, PUBLIC attribute