THIS_IMAGE intrinsic function

Standard: F77 F90 F95 F2003 F2008 F2018 Example program



COARRAY : coarray of any type;
DIM : scalar Integer;
TEAM : scalar of type TEAM_TYPE from the intrinsic module ISO_FORTRAN_ENV, whose value must identify the current team or an ancestor team;

Result : Integer with default kind; if COARRAY appears and DIM does not appear, the result is a vector whose size is equal to the corank of COARRAY, otherwise the result is scalar.


If TEAM does not appear, the “specified team” is the current team.

If COARRAY does not appear, the value of the result is the image index of the executing image in the specified team. Otherwise, if DIM does not appear, the value of the result is the set of cosubscripts for COARRAY that correspond to the executing image in the specified team. If both COARRAY and DIM appear, the value of the result is the cosubscript for codimension DIM that corresponds to the executing image in the specified team.


CODIMENSION attribute, GET_TEAM intrinsic function, Image selectors, LCOBOUND intrinsic function, NUM_IMAGES intrinsic function, UCOBOUND intrinsic function