IPARITY intrinsic function
Standard: F77 F90 F95 F2003 F2008
 Example Program

ARRAY : rank N array of type Integer;
DIM : scalar Integer in the range 1 to N;
MASK : array of type Logical with the same shape as ARRAY;

Result: Same type and kind as ARRAY.
The result is ARRAY reduced by bitwise exclusive or (the IEOR intrinsic function). If DIM is absent, this is a scalar equal to the bitwise exclusive or of all the masked elements of ARRAY. If DIM is present, the result has rank N-1 and the shape of ARRAY with dimension DIM removed; each element of the result is the bitwise exclusive or of the masked elements in that dimension.

If no elements contribute to a result value, that value is zero.
Array-array operations, Array-scalar operations, ALL intrinsic function, ANY intrinsic function, COUNT intrinsic function, IALL intrinsic function, IANY intrinsic function, IEOR intrinsic function, MAXLOC intrinsic function, MAXVAL intrinsic function, MINLOC intrinsic function, MINVAL intrinsic function, .NEQV. operator, PARITY intrinsic function, PRODUCT intrinsic function, Reduction intrinsic functions, SUM intrinsic function