.EQV. operator
Standard: F77 F90 F95 F2003
  Example Program
expression .EQV. expression
This operator has the lowest precedence of any intrinsic operator, the same as .NEQV. and higher only than user-defined binary operators.
Tests two logical expressions for equivalence. The kind of the result is the same as the kind of one of the expressions.

The result is .TRUE. if either the expressions are both .TRUE. or both .FALSE, and the result is .FALSE. otherwise.

.AND. operator, Concatenation (//) operator, .EQ. (==) operator, .GE. (>=) operator, .GT. (>) operator, .LE. (<=) operator, .LT. (<) operator, .NE. (/=) operator, .NEQV. operator, .NOT. operator, Numeric operators, Operator precedence, .OR. operator