Numeric (+,-,*,/,**) operators
Standard: F77 F90 F95 F2003
+ expression
- expression
expression + expression
expression - expression
expression * expression
expression / expression
expression ** expression
These operators have their usual mathematical precedence, and have higher precedence than any other operator except for unary user-defined operators.
Numeric operations. The expressions must be of type Complex, Integer or Real.

The unary + and - operators return the same type and kind as their operators; the value of the + operator is the same as that of the expression, and the value of the - operator is the negation of the expression.

The binary +, -, *, / and ** operators perform addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and exponentiation respectively. If both expressions are of type Integer, the result has the same kind as the expression with the largest range. If one expression is of type Integer and the other expression is Complex or Real, the result has the same type and kind as the other expression. If both expressions are of type Real, the result is type Real and has the same kind as the expression with the largest precision. These rules are illustrated in the table below.

Result of numeric operation op1 op op2
Type of op1   Type of op2   Result type   Result kind
Complex   Complex   Complex   largest precision
Complex   Integer   Complex   KIND(op1)
Complex   Real   Complex   largest precision
Integer   Complex   Complex   KIND(op2)
Integer   Integer   Integer   largest range
Integer   Real   Real   KIND(op2)
Real   Complex   Complex   largest precision
Real   Integer   Real   KIND(op1)
Real   Real   Real   largest precision
.AND. operator, Concatenation (//) operator, .EQ. (==) operator, .EQV. operator, .GE. (>=) operator, .GT. (>) operator, .LE. (<=) operator, .LT. (<) operator, .NE. (/=) operator, .NEQV. operator, .NOT. operator, Operator precedence, .OR. operator