Operator precedence
Standard: (F77) F90 F95 F2003
The precedence of an operator in Fortran depends only on its syntax, and is illustrated by the table below. Broadly speaking, the numeric operators have their usual mathematical precedence, this is higher than all the relational operators (who have the same precedence as each other), and this is higher than the logical operators (which have their usual precedence).

Operators which have the same precedence are associated left-to-right except for exponentiation (**) which is associated right-to-left.

Operator   Precedence
user-defined unary operators   1 (highest)
** (exponentiation)   2
* (multiply), / (divide)   3
unary + (positive), - (negate)   4
binary + (add), - (subtract)   5
// (character concatenation)   6
.EQ. (==), .GE. (>=), .GT. (>), .LE. (<=), .LT. (<), .NE. (/=)   7
.NOT.   8
.AND.   9
.OR.   10
.EQV., .NEQV.   11
user-defined binary operators   12 (lowest)
.AND. operator, Concatenation (//) operator, .EQ. (==) operator, .EQV. operator, .GE. (>=) operator, .GT. (>) operator, .LE. (<=) operator, .LT. (<) operator, .NE. (/=) operator, .NEQV. operator, .NOT. operator, Numeric operators, .OR. operator