.LT. (<) operator
Standard: F77 F90 F95 F2003
  Example Program
expression .LT. expression
expression < expression

Each expression must be of type Integer, Real or Character.
Compares two expressions, returning .TRUE. if and only if the first expression is less than the second. The expressions must be both either Integer or Real, or both Character. If they are of type Character, the native collating sequence is used (this might differ from ASCII).
.AND. operator, Concatenation (//) operator, .EQ. (==) operator, .EQV. operator, .GE. (>=) operator, .GT. (>) operator, .LE. (<=) operator, .NE. (/=) operator, .NEQV. operator, .NOT. operator, Numeric operators, Operator precedence, .OR. operator